Jacob’s Creek Better By Half Pinot Grigio 750ml
Last updated on December 6, 2024 7:14 pm
A fruity Pinot Grigio with gentle mouthfeel and the flavours of citrus and pear: a modern, lower alcohol take on a classic style. The wine has been reduced to just 5.5% abv, a 50% decrease in alcohol and, due to this, also a 50% decrease in calories. The wine has just 36 calories per 100ml glass.
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Kerry F –
Good if you dont want to drink too much
michelle b –
tasted ok but prefer full alcohol there seems to be something missing,
Joanne M –
Very enjoyable wine.
Jo M –
Loved this – will purchase
Alex T –
What a great idea, and a pleasant easy drink.
Harley O –
Not bad at all
Cameron E –
Half the alcohol but still great taste, would buy again
Krystal H –
Surprisingly good.
bianca b –
not for me personally, not enough flavours for my taste, and the price isn’t a winner either being half alcohol too
Sara M –
If feel if you are going to have a glass of wine it may as well include 13% alcohol.
Amanda F –
Surprisingly good. Nice light/medium taste, and easy to drink.
Cath B –
Great for a BBQ when I want to indulge without indulging
Elisabeth B –
a great option to have for those looking to reduce alcohol and or calorie intake. Not relevant for me but tasty
Thao H –
I did not this product existed until now! Honestly it’s not as good as the real thing, but it’s not far off. Great for those on a meal plan or if you don’t want to drink something heavy.
Dean M –
Good product